
Game-changer! This new tool within the Divi Visual Builder allows for the unlimited use of Text AI like ChatGPT and text-to-image generation like Midjourney. Try free yourself, or get it through Leverage WP.

Free Course Hosting Environments

Leverage WP Sandbox

Create up to 10 sites free for a year. Use Twenty Twenty-Two and Frost with the Site Editor and learning block-based themes in WordPress.

Leverage Divi Sandbox

Create up to 10 sites free for a year. Use the Divi Theme with the Visual Builder and learn the Divi Page Builder to create custom websites in WordPress.

Flywheel 60-day Demo

Get your exclusive 60-day demo site account at Flywheel managed WordPress hosting. In the course we use this environment to learn the Kadence Theme.

Design Images & Import Files

Twenty Twenty-Two Images

Download the image pack that we use to customize Twenty Twenty-Two to match the Demo Site in Section 2 of the course.

Twenty Twenty-Two Demo

Open the Twenty Twenty-Two Demo Site in another tab in your browser, as an example to work from.

Frost Theme & Sample Sites

Download the XML import files to bring the sample sites into your Frost sites in the Leverage WP Sandbox.

Recommended Hosting

GridPane Self-Managed

The best of the best, transparent hosting for multiple websites and high-performance WordPress websites, with great support and scalable resources.

Flywheel Managed

Managed WordPress hosting for high-performance websites, for single and multiple websites in a done-for-you environment.

SiteGround Shared

Inexpensive hosting for single or multiple websites, with great support and an easy-to-use website and hosting management interface.

Design Tools, Themes & Builders

Divi Theme & Visual Builder

Get the current best price on Divi Theme and Visual Builder, the most powerful and versatile page builder and design system for WordPress.

Divi Design Layout Library

Explore and find free designs and graphics for any Divi project from the more than 250 complete website designs and 1800+ page designs available.

Kadence Theme & Blocks

Get Kadence Theme Pro and Kadence Blocks Pro to take advantage of global templates and more design block options than the free version.

The Complete WordPress Website Business Course 2.0

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